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Silver Aura: Meaning and Chakra Link

As we continue our exploration of aura colors, an exciting question arises: What is a silver aura meaning? During energy work, meditation, or other aura analysis methods, how can we interpret seeing beautiful silver sparkles behind closed eyes? Read on to find out!

First, some background. My name is Lillie, and I’ve been a Reiki practitioner since 2018, doing hands-on energy work with hundreds of clients over the years. As I explained in our yellow aura meaning article, my specialty is in being able to see the unique aura colors of each person.

Everything in this article is gleaned from in-person experience and work with skilled mentors. Below, I have taken a Reiki photo of myself doing energy work with a client, and have painted over it with an artistic depiction of what I see behind my closed eyes for people with a silver aura to show you what it looks like to me…

Silver aura meaning
Silver aura meaning, illustrated and explained.

The Silver Chakra

Now, to understand silver auras, we need to analyze which chakra is that color. Why? As we learned in our chakra balancing article, each of the energy centers of the body is associated with a different color and aspect of life.

In fact, there isn’t a clear answer to which chakra is silver, but the closest answer is that it is the Soul Star Chakra — a lesser-known energy center located ABOVE the head that is associated with a sparkling silver, white energy, and sometimes also with a gold aura. This chakra is connected with extremely powerful universal, spiritual energy.

(It is the opposite end of the spectrum as the Earth Star Chakra we discussed in our article about the black chakra meaning. Both energy centers are stupendously powerful, but in different ways.)

Silver Aura Meaning

Given this chakra colors background, we can now more easily interpret the meaning of a silver aura. Seeing this color indicates that the person is profoundly connected with higher universal energy in a beautifully spiritual (not necessarily religious) way.

Unlike a green aura, I find silver auras to be extremely rare in clients. The times when I have seen them, the person is engaged in some sort of spiritual guidance or art creation: for example, a chaplain, or a brilliant musician.

People with this aura profile can often seem to be magically channelling ideas, insights, and creations from a higher force. That said, the same warning holds true with a silver aura as a white aura: Intentionality is needed to add in grounding energy (as with the First Chakra) to balance out the tendency to have one’s “head in the clouds” and not be entirely connected to mundane but important earthly matters.

Silver Aura, in Sum

I hope this article on the meaning of a silver aura has been helpful and illuminating. For further reading, do check out my explanation of the blue aura meaning, as it has an interesting contrast to this one. What other Reiki, energy work, or meditation topics would you like me to discuss? Do share!

Want more? Browse this in-depth explanation of the many benefits of Reiki chakra balancing.