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Black Aura Meaning and Chakra

It is time to learn about one of the most misunderstood aura colors out there: the black aura meaning. Buckle up, because this analysis may surprise you.

First, some background. My name is Lillie and I’m a certified Reiki Master in and Reiki Trainer who has worked in person with hundreds of clients since 2018. All of the insights in this article come from hands-on experience, as well as my own training.

Black aura meaning
Learn the black aura meaning…

Black Chakra

As we learned with the blue aura meaning, the first step in understanding the messages behind auras is identifying which chakra or energy center in the body that color is connected to. However, the color black presents a unique challenge, because the classic seven chakra configuration only runs through the standard rainbow colors from red to purple.

Earth Star Chakra

In fact the black chakra is located BELOW the body — 12 inches below the feet, to be specific. It is the powerful Earth Star Chakra!

What is this black energy center associated with? Think of it like the red aura or chakra massively intensified: it is about the powerful kind of “Mother Earth” grounding forces — like the dark soil that nurtures seeds to grow into flowers, or a womb that develops a baby from a zygote.

Black Aura Meaning

Given this, we can see that a black aura is actually an incredibly good and and rich color to see. It means the person who has it is in the process of growing a wonderful new project or aspect in their life. Think of it as a white aura, but instead of the generative forces coming from the celestial sparkle of universal energy, they’re emanating from the wonderful Earth itself.

In the countless Reiki clients I have worked with over the years, I’ve seen a black aura only two or three times. (It’s even more rare than a silver aura.) Each time, it has been with someone launching a major business, or exciting new move. Again — a black aura is a GOOD thing!

Meaning of a Gray Aura

Now let’s extrapolate this interpretation to analyze a gray aura meaning. Because gray is a lighter version of black, I usually take it to mean a “partway” version of the black meaning — just as a pink aura is a “partway” version of red.

In other words, people with a gray aura are usually partway through growing a project or new aspect of their lives. They often benefit from intensifying grounding forces (by chakra balancing, walking outside, and getting into the earthly day-to-day work of their project) to move things forward.

Black Aura Meaning, in Sum

All-too-often in our society, we associate the color black with negativity, but in my experience, that is not the true association when it comes to energy work! Just as I get excited when I see a purple aura (read that link to see why), I find the rare instances someone has a black aura to be incredibly thrilling because of the fertile growth in life that it indicates.

What has been your experience with it, and with other energy centers like the Third Chakra and its yellow aura? Do share!

Want more? See my analysis of the pink aura meaning — another chakra connection with an interpretation different than most people think…