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Benefits of Reiki: 14 Positive Effects

As we learned in the article, “What is Reiki,” this Japanese form of relaxation by gentle touch is used all over the world now — but why? What are the benefits of Reiki that draw people to it? Let’s investigate.

As background, my name is Lillie, and I’m a certified Reiki practitioner who has worked with hundreds of clients since 2018 — and has also enjoyed receiving this soothing form of bodywork, myself. All of the insights in this article come from in-person, first-hand, real-world experience, as well as extensive study.

Benefits of Reiki

There are numerous ways that the gentle touch of energy work can help us live better. Here are some of the many benefits of Reiki chakra balancing.

More Benefits of Reiki

In addition to these perks, there’s one plus side to Reiki that is a big one for me. As I explained in my “Reiki Massage” article, in massage, you have to get undressed and usually get covered in oil. With chakra balancing, you can keep clothes on and don’t need external props beyond a table or chair!

Benefits of Reiki
Benefits of Reiki… so many!

Managing Expectations

Now, though there are numerous positive effects to having a Reiki session, it is vitally important to manage your expectations. As I explained in my article on how to avoid a Reiki scam, it is not a miracle cure for everything — rather, it is simply a gentle form of assisted meditation that helps your body do some relaxing processing.

Benefits of Reiki, in Sum

I hope this round-up of the many benefits of Reiki has been useful in thinking through whether this modality may be a fit for you. If you’ve tried chakra balancing, what has your experience been? If you haven’t tried it yet, what questions remain? Do share!

Want more? Check out my article on Reiki certification courses, and how to find one that is effective, as well as a good fit for your aims in learning about energy work and chakra balancing, explained from personal experience.