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Reiki Therapy: How it Works

When people think of therapy, what comes to mind is usually talk-based work with a therapist — which brings up some confusion when we introduce the term “Reiki therapy.” As we did with the term “Reiki massage,” this article will explain what exactly is meant by that phrase, so you can see whether or not it is a match for you.

By way of background, my name is Lillie, and I’ve been working as a Boston Reiki practitioner since 2018. The information in this article is based on my years of training, as well as hands-on experience with hundreds of clients — in addition to receiving energy work from other Reiki therapists, myself.

Reiki therapy
Doing Reiki therapy in my studio.

Defining the Term “Therapy”

Let’s start by defining the term “therapy.” Though we usually associate it with just TALKING to a therapist to work out problems, the word is actually defined as ANY treatment to help heal, improve, or relieve a disorder.

For example, medicine in the form of pills can be a form of therapy for an illness, physical therapy can improve a body injury, and art therapy can calm upended emotions. Meanwhile, Reiki, chakra balancing, acupuncture, and massage are usually categorized as “alternative therapies.” So, how does Reiki therapy work?

Reiki Therapy

As we learned in “What is Reiki?” at its simplest, Reiki therapy is a Japanese form of gentle touch or hands hovering just over the body (conducted while clothed) that helps the recipient relax into an assisted meditative state. This allows the body to processing physical, mental, and emotional blockages, and to improve energy flow.

Now, here’s one of the benefits of Reiki that most people don’t realize: Unlike acupuncture where the practitioner leaves the room, in Reiki, the practitioner is right there with you the entire session — and thus can use elements of traditional talk therapy and life coaching to help you verbally process, interpret, and visualize as your body works through energy blockages!

Now of course, the training for traditional talk therapy and Reiki energy work is completely different, so I always encourage my clients to also be regularly seeing a certified talk therapist, too. However, I really want to emphasize that using talk during Reiki for clarity in life is extremely valuable — and too few people know about and use it. Let’s learn more, via a case study…

Talking Plus Energy Work

Here’s an example of combining touch plus talking during energy work. A woman came into my studio last week for a session and explained on her Reiki intake form that she was trying to find clarity in a difficult upcoming decision: Whether or not to leave Boston and move to Chicago.

During our hour together, we paired verbal processing with traditional Reiki touch in my Boston life coach capacity. As the woman and I discussed the pros and cons of her potential move, I paid special attention to her aura and the energy flowing through her chakras. I reflected back to her what I heard her say, and drew her out to discuss more: active listening.

Towards the end of our session, I shared back what I’d noticed in her aura colors: Every time she talked about Chicago, her chakras lit up beautifully — especially the Second or Sacral Chakra, which is associated with creativity and sensuality. As her life goals were related to both those elements, this suggested that the move would be a positive step forward! The woman was thankful for the clarity this session provided.

Now of course, we need a disclaimer here: Neither a Reiki practitioner nor a traditional talk therapist can unfailingly tell you the correct paths to take in life to make things better — your own life choices are up to you. However, the combination of talk and relaxing touch that Reiki therapy and visions during meditation can provide has the potential to assist you in deeply thinking through next steps to be your best and most fulfilled self.

Finally, a reminder that every Reiki Master is different, so if you’re interested in trying an energy work session with more talking and discussion during it, do check with the practitioner first to ensure that it’s a match for their style. If not, they may be able to refer you to someone who specializes in that realm.

Reiki Therapy, in Sum

I hope this analysis of Reiki therapy has been useful. In my own life, it was a combination of seeing a traditional talk therapist, plus receiving energy work, myself, that finally got me to get past emotional numbness.

If you’ve tried Reiki, what has your experience been, and how has it paired with verbal processing or chakra colors? Do share!